(a) Ordinary Membership angler classes shall be.
Senior (Male/Female) is a person 16 years or older.
Junior (Male/Female) is a person who has not attained the age of 16 years.
Small/Fry (Male /Female) is a person who has not attained the age of 11 years.
(b) Non Fishing Member
Non fishing members will be eligible to vote on matters relating to the club under clause Membership (e) except
club fishing rules and be eligible to stand for nomination as a committee member. Non fishing members will not
be eligible to compete for club points or participate in any fishing tournaments unless the membership is
upgraded to ordinary membership angler class.
(c) Membership Fees, Annual Subscriptions and Levies shall be determined from time to time by the committee. Members
will be issued with a Membership Number to be used on Capture Certificates.
(d) Members whose fees are three (3) months in arrears shall be deemed unfinancial and no longer members of the club,
and shall be notified accordingly.
(e) Only Senior members financial at the time shall have voting rights on any matters relating to the club
(f) Life Membership may be awarded to any member with not less than ten (10) consecutive years membership and has
served not less than a total of five (5) years on the general committee of the club. A life member will have
the same right to vote as any other ordinary member.
(g) Honorary Membership can be awarded to a person (not a Club Member), or a Company for outstanding support of the
club for not less than five (5) years. Honorary Members do not have voting rights.
(h) A Day Member can be any of the above classes who completes a membership form and pays a fee of $20.00 per Senior
and $15.00 per Junior/Small fry
(i) Day Membership entitles a visiting angler to participate in a club outing with any Capture and Tag & Release
points to be credited to the boat only. A day member can fish in only one (1) outing per calendar year.
The day member will be eligible to make any record claim. If the day member subsequently joins the club within
six (6) months in the club calendar year, the $20.00 day member fee will be deducted from the annual club fee
(j) The boat skipper must notify, on the first fishing sched, that he has a "Day Member" on board.
(k) All categories of members are expected to behave in a manner so as not to bring any criticism
On the club and are expected to show the utmost loyalty at all times with any current media policy applying to
all members.